Why we are the best

Responsive Designs

Our web/app development services showcase the same content across all devices. It can be a tablet, phone or laptop. Components used in our themes are designed to look good on smaller screen sizes too.


We provide unparalleled before and after purchase advisory services to guarantee top quality performance and returns on your IT investments.


A collection of docs and links can be found on our website to help you achieve what you need using our products and services. Assistance can be provided by Call/WhatsApp/Skype/Remote Desktop if you need it.

ROMSEL TECHNOLOGIES is an information and communications technology solutions firm duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria (CAC) with registration number BN 2154679 since January 2011.

We have vast expertise in Information Technology solutions from repairs of computers systems to software development, mobile apps and website development, networking and generally anything that has to do with computers and internet. We provide IT solutions to business challenges and also help you develop your businesses using IT so that you can do more for less…More About Us

Get in Touch

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Find us at the office

Office: 4, Enugu Agidi Street, Off 1st Marine Gate, Warri.

Give us a ring

+234 (0) 706 367 6310 - Call/WhatsApp

+234 (0) 905 304 1600

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